IvAlive Foundation is a charitable organization founded in 2022 by the famous Ukrainian TV presenter, media star, philanthropist and ambassador of children's dreams - Ivanna Onufriichuk.
Mission of the IvAlive Foundation:
Supporting Ukrainian children (and their mothers) who are refugees in Switzerland.
Its aim is to help them integrate as smoothly as possible into our country.
The foundation helps the children (socialisation, after school activities, art classes, etc.) and their mother (language support, job search, social life, etc.).
IvAlive wants to help Ukrainian refugees in the long term, as many of them aspire to rebuild their lives in Switzerland.
Ivanna Onufriichuk
Founder, CEO
Laurent Maire
Florent Blaser
Mariia Vashchuk
Portfolio Manager
Vadym Nizovets
Project Administrator
Irina Onufriichuck
Photographer, Coach, Volunteer
Bogdana Onufriichuk
Content Maker, Volunteer
Viktoriia Golosna
Artistic Director of the IvAlive Children's Choir, Opera Singer
Anastasiia Dyka
Content Maker, Photographer
Svitlana Kostenko
Тетяна Вальчук
Оксана Долгова
Бізнес-тренер, Коуч, Психологиня фонду
Марія Раве
Спеціаліст з імміграційного і трудового права
Вадим Галушко
Дизайнер web-сайтів і друкованої продукції
Євген Дробний