IvAlive Foundation is a charitable organization founded in 2022 by the famous Ukrainian TV presenter, media star, philanthropist and ambassador of children's dreams - Ivanna Onufriichuk.

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Mission of the IvAlive Foundation:

Supporting Ukrainian children (and their mothers) who are refugees in Switzerland.

Its aim is to help them integrate as smoothly as possible into our country.

 The foundation helps the children (socialisation, after school activities, art classes, etc.) and their mother (language support, job search, social life, etc.).

IvAlive wants to help Ukrainian refugees in the long term, as many of them aspire to rebuild their lives in Switzerland.


Board of trustees

Ivanna Onufriichuk

Founder, CEO

Ivanna Onufriichuk

Founder, CEO

Ivanna Onufriichuk is a Ukrainian TV presenter, public figure, and influencer.

She is best known as the host of "Dancing with the Stars" and her original show "Without a Tie" ("Без краватки").

Following the onset of the full-scale invasion, Ivanna has made Switzerland her permanent home. It was here that she founded the IvAlive charity foundation, dedicated to assisting Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland who were compelled to leave their homeland due to the conflict.

"For me, charity is a way of fulfilling one of my missions on Earth – to improve society and make positive changes in the world by helping those in need."

Motto: The good we do always returns a hundredfold!

Laurent Maire


Laurent Maire


Laurent Maire is an experienced lawyer specializing in European law. After honing his skills in courts and law firms across Lausanne, he was admitted to the Bar in 1998. In 2002,

Laurent established his own law firm, MCE Avocats, where he actively engages in both commercial and private legal practices. He is an established author, having contributed many publications on fundamental rights and EU citizenship, in addition to teaching business law.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Laurent is dedicated to giving back to the community; he presides over several foundations in the cultural and charitable sectors and holds memberships on various boards of directors.

Florent Blaser


Florent Blaser


Florent Blaser has been active in the social field for over 15 years.

He worked for 8 years for EVAM in the field of asylum, serving as both a social worker and the manager of a home for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers.

Since 2018, he has been working as a professional legal guardian for the canton of Vaud.

Since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Florent Blaser has dedicated himself to the Ukrainian cause, developing several projects to improve the welcoming and living conditions of Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.

Mariia Vashchuk

Portfolio Manager

Mariia Vashchuk

Portfolio Manager

Mariia has resided in Switzerland since 2016. Holding a master's degree in economics, she has built a successful career in the banking industry and has worked as an IT business analyst at Nestlé.

Additionally, Mariya ventured into entrepreneurship by founding her own business. From 2022 to 2024, she worked as a project manager at Ukraine Reborn in Switzerland, emphasizing professional development and innovation.

She is the author and manager of the Women's Empowerment project, which was conducted in Lausanne and Geneva.

"For me, charity is about creating favorable conditions and a safe environment where people can build their peaceful lives."

Motto: Restoring hope!

Marina Lombrici

Assistant Manager

Marina Lombrici

Assistant Manager

Marina joined the Foundation in December 2022 and handles a variety of responsibilities including administrative, organizational, and operational tasks.

She holds a degree in Information Technology and is fluent in four languages.

"For me, charity is an opportunity to make our world a better place."

Motto: Treat people the way you want to be treated!

Olha Maksymchuk

SMM Manager

Olha Maksymchuk

SMM Manager

Since high school, Olga has been actively involved in charity projects and developed training programs for children with special needs.

She has been with the foundation since its inception, utilizing her professional expertise and education in marketing to grow the foundation's online presence.

"For me, charity is about humanity and light. It is something that should become an integral part of society."

Motto: The light is in you! Give it generously!

Vadym Nizovets

Project Administrator

Vadym Nizovets

Project Administrator

Irina Onufriichuck

Photographer, Coach, Volunteer

Irina Onufriichuck

Photographer, Coach, Volunteer

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Iryna joined our Foundation as a volunteer at the start of our initial volunteer projects. With over 20 years of administrative and managerial experience in the customs and legal fields, she later took on the main tasks of establishing relationships and communication with donors.

As a photographer, she is tasked with creating photo reports for IvAlive events.

As a professional coach in the realms of life and transformational coaching, as well as business/team coaching, Irina boasts more than 200 individual and team coaching sessions. She offers individual coaching sessions on a volunteer basis at our Foundation for Ukrainians who have temporarily relocated to Switzerland.

"For me, charity is a manifestation of God's love, for people, animals, or the planet, depending on the area of charity. This is my social utility."

Motto: Help as much as you can, in word, deed, or money, if there is a need!

Bogdana Onufriichuk

Content Maker, Volunteer

Bogdana Onufriichuk

Content Maker, Volunteer

Bogdana is currently a student at the University of Geneva - Webster University and Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) in Ukraine.

"For me, charity means helping those in need without expecting any benefit in return. It's important to me because I believe in the significance of collective support and assistance for Ukrainians who need it."

Motto: Together we can do more; one good deed can change the world!

Viktoriia Golosna

Artistic Director of the IvAlive Children's Choir, Opera Singer

Viktoriia Golosna

Artistic Director of the IvAlive Children's Choir, Opera Singer

Viktoriia has been deeply involved in teaching and research in the field of music theory for a long time.

In addition to her teaching endeavors, Viktoriia sang in the choir of the Dnipro Opera and Ballet Theater and performed as a soloist at the Dnipro House of Organ and Chamber Music. She thoroughly enjoys imparting her knowledge to young choristers, inspiring them, and seeing their happy faces, as well as being a part of the development of children’s talents.

"My favorite childhood cartoon is 'Just for fun'. It featured a beautiful bouquet of flowers being given away for nothing, creating a good mood. For me, this exemplifies how sharing from the bottom of my heart first and foremost brings pleasure to myself. This is what charity means to me."

Motto: The more you give, the more you get!

Anastasiia Dyka 

Content Maker, Photographer

Anastasiia Dyka 

Content Maker, Photographer

After the full-scale invasion, she moved to Switzerland. She became acquainted with the IvAlive Foundation through the foundation's social projects and then joined the team as a content creator and photographer.

"Charity helps people unite to achieve a common goal: share their resources and time to improve the lives of others."

Motto: Doing good is easy: small steps lead to great achievements!

Svitlana Kostenko


Svitlana Kostenko


Svitlana est diplômée en ingénierie et en droit.

Au début de l'invasion à grande échelle, en février 2022, avec sa fille Ivanna, qui est la fondatrice de la fondation, et leur famille, elle a organisé des rassemblements et des événements caritatifs en faveur de l'Ukraine en Suisse. Elle a envoyé de l'aide humanitaire, des vêtements et des biens de première nécessité pour apporter un soutien vital à son pays. Elle a également soutenu activement et régulièrement les personnes handicapées et les personnes âgées en Ukraine.

Actuellement, avec le soutien de la fondation, Svitlana organise et met en œuvre des événements et des programmes caritatifs en faveur des Ukrainiens déplacés à l'intérieur de la Suisse.

"Pour moi, la charité est l'expression de l'amour et de la bonté envers les autres, reflétant le désir d'aider et de soutenir ceux qui sont dans le besoin. Non seulement elle change des vies pour le mieux, mais elle cultive aussi en nous des qualités qui nous rapprochent de Dieu.

Devise : Par des actes d'amour, nous manifestons la lumière qui unit les cœurs !

Tetiana Valchuk


Tetiana Valchuk


Tetiana is professionally a cook.

Just a few days after the war started, she arrived in Switzerland with her children. With no acquaintances in the country, she sought out Ukrainian women for companionship. She discovered a small club where Ukrainian women met and there she learned about the IvAlive charity foundation. "I wanted to help however I could and meet new people (it's easier that way: you realize you're not alone and that you can be of use, even in small ways)."

She later joined the foundation's projects as a volunteer.

"The IvAlive Foundation is doing tremendous work, and it's up to us to help and support each other."

"For me, charity means being helpful, contributing, and not staying on the sidelines."

Motto: Selfless assistance to those in need!

Oksana Dolgova

Business Trainer, Coach, Psychologist 

Oksana Dolgova

Business Trainer, Coach, Psychologist 

Oksana holds degrees in International Economics and Psychology.

In 2013, she graduated as a psychologist and opened a psychological center in the heart of Kyiv. As she developed her business, she began writing articles and posting them online. This exposure led to invitations for Oksana to appear on television and radio as a psychologist. She later completed several business coach training programs and began conducting training sessions and workshops for groups ranging from 10 to 5,000 people. Her expertise includes time management, people management, and change management.
In 2017, Oksana was honored as the Professional of the Year among business coaches in Ukraine. On August 24, 2019, during Ukraine's Independence Day celebrations, Oksana and the Bogushtime team created the world's largest Dream Map, setting a World Record by creating and documenting over a hectare of dream maps.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, Oksana moved to Switzerland and started volunteering. She organized various events, workshops, and conducted over 200 coaching sessions for Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.

In 2023, she joined the ivAlive Foundation team as the main speaker for the Women's Empowerment program aimed at proactive Ukrainian women in Lausanne and Geneva.

Oksana also conducts in-person workshops for ivAlive, Jewish Culture Swiss in Bern, Ecublens Comune in English, UA Center UKRAINE REBORN, Montreux, and Versua.

“For me, Charity is an integral part of everyone on Earth, be it a person, company, or corporation. The only variable is the scale. Everyone feels the need to help others and chooses how to do it in their own way."

Motto: Make strong people happy!

It may sound strange to some, but it’s true because only strong people strive to be the best version of themselves. Others are content with how things are. So, when strong people seek my help, my job is to energize them and help them embark on new journeys.